Pest Control Myths Squashed

We all have heard of many different types of pest control methods. Some work. Some don’t. Some only cause more problems. So, we thought we would squash a few for you. Myth: You’ll never have a pest problem if your home is clean! Simply not true. Pests aren’t just...

Pesky Mosquitoes

Mosquito season is here and booming!   Mosquitoes can ruin most any outdoor activity during late spring and summer months. Your yard tends to be your oasis more in the summer/fall than any other part of the year. Most of us have planted new, colorful flowers and...

Fall Tree & Shrub Maintenance

Fall is a great season to prep your trees and shrubs for the upcoming spring season. During the Fall and Winter months we like to focus on tree and shrub planting, fertilizing, soil systemics, and horticultural oils. Let’s look at each service closer: PLANTING:...