Neighborhoods get bombarded by door-to-door salesmen with “the great” scripted sales pitch. So great that sometimes you are left doubting your choice for pest control service. These companies are built on sales not quality. Advance Pest Control strives to provide quality pest control service with the most effective solution we can guarantee. We have no fine print to be cautious of. We are straightforward with our customers and try to provide you with our knowledge. This allows us to create a relationship and work together to keep pests away from your home. Just because one of those salesmen point out that there is a spider web on the corner of your home does not mean that we are not doing our job. Sometimes spiders can build cobwebs faster than our quarterly service. Call us! We will gladly retreat and clear the cobwebs for you. 

We believe great pest control service is a team effort between the homeowner/business owner and us. Terry, our owner, takes pride in his work and wants all of his employees to know as much as he can teach them. We require all of our technicians to train with our seasoned techs/owner and attend pest control tech course to receive a registered technician certificate before they are given their own route. Weekly educational time is provided as well. We keep techs in their territory for as long as we can – there’s no switching techs on a regular basis. Therefore, your technician gets to know your needs, what works best for your issues, and is able to build a relationship with you.


We tend to require more knowledge from our technicians than most pest control companies. Plus, our office staff have to complete registered technician course and have continuous educational times just like our techs. Our techs are not “spray jockeys” and our office staff do not “just” schedule appointments. Terry believes the more knowledge all of his employees have the better service Advance Pest Control can provide. So, we asked him to tell us a few good questions to ask the door-to-door pest control salesperson or the cold calling person. 


Our advice to you is:

  • Ask the salesperson how long the company has been in business.

  • Ask what knowledge and/or training do the technicians receive

  • Ask if the technicians are full time or part time employees

  • Then, read the fine print of the contract they provide.

So if it sounds “too good to be true” then it probably is. Except for us! 😉 We offer our customers the best price we can give with no hidden “fine print”. No contracts. Customers have the option to renew services and to cancel at any time. Pest control service should not be a hassle. Our customers are our #1 priority. Our goal is to provide top-notch pest control service so that your family or your business can be enjoyed – both inside and out. Advance Pest Control is proud to be family-owned, built on trust, and effective at stopping pests in your home or business before they become a big problem for over 20+ years. 

Call us: 919-569-0555

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