DIY vs Professional Pest Control

You have ants crawling around your home or roaches in your kitchen, or mice nibbling your food in your pantry. What do you do? Do you try to take care of the problem on your own? Do you hire a professional to come out to fix the problem? If you hire someone, how do...

6 Tips from your Technician

Do you know how to prepare your home for your pest control service or termite inspection? Many customers ask “What do we need to do?” or “Does the technician need to get to a [specific place]?”. Our office staff try to educate our customers about the process of their...

Pest Control Myths Squashed

We all have heard of many different types of pest control methods. Some work. Some don’t. Some only cause more problems. So, we thought we would squash a few for you. Myth: You’ll never have a pest problem if your home is clean! Simply not true. Pests aren’t just...

Who else is eating from your pantry?

If you are new to reading our blogs – Welcome! Our goal is to provide our customers a place to find useful information about all things pest control. Over the past (almost) year, we have covered a lot of pests and how-to’s. We plan to continue our journey through the...